On the 26th August we attended our first Gala Day at Burford Bowls Club after taking on the sponsorship of the club after their long term sponsor sold his business.
Bowls is all new to us, so on a very wet bank holiday Sunday we expected the Gala to be cancelled as it was raining so hard and the forecast was for this all day, how wrong we were, out they went in their water proofs for a whole day bowling, the chairman was worried about the green but the green keeper said carry on much to our dismay, finally at 6pm everyone said it was time to stop just as the rain stopped.
The trophy’s were then presented along with Golden Charter goody bags, in spite of the weather a good day was had by all and much needed funds raised for the club, we are none the wiser about bowls, but we do know that Golden Charters gazebo’s are water proof thank goodness!